BB2C Partner Perspective: Mindi Line, PACF Fellows Leadership Program

Mindi Line, Esq., is the Parkersburg Area Community Foundation Civic Fellows Leadership Program Director. This is a great example of a program that works to bridge the gap and entices our young professionals to find their place in our communities. In her own words…

Bridging the gap between life as a student in the community and life as a young professional is one of the many goals of the Parkersburg Area Community Foundation’s Civic Leaders Fellowship Program.  In the summer of 2018, twenty-four college students from the PACF eleven-county region returned to the area to participate in leadership and community training and to work in paid positions in their fields.  Fellows come from many colleges and careers, but come together each Monday to learn more about leadership, community, and economic development. 

This past Monday, the first year class toured Building Bridges to Careers as part of their day.  After talking about the Epicenter’s many offerings and hearing from staff there about their personal career paths, students were able to share about their own interests and paths.  Fellows were able to learn about business incubation services, job shadowing, and the Makerspace!  Everyone was excited to produce their own wood-cut vinyl signs with words of inspiration, creativity, or whatever suited them.  Many Fellows were also able to experiment in the sewing room using a sewing machine for the first time. 

This summer is the seventh summer the Civic Leaders Fellowship Program has been in action.  This year marked the 100th student to enter the program.  Thanks to the support of PACF and other donors, as well as the communities we live and work in, the program continues to be a success helping college students that want to come back to do so successfully.  The program connects the students to the community and hopefully assists in creating active citizens of our future! 

To find out more about the Parkersburg Area Community Foundation, please visit their website:


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